• Be a Trademaker

Can only be completed once


Wants to be heard by everyone like me? Well.. I'm a great trademaker... I know how to do it...
So... Ok! I will help you with it.
For first you must have relevance being a great and powerful hero.
If you wants to sell some something you must have sure that what you want to sell is not too easy to get or it's RARE! After it you must have some Megaphone to scream to all others heros what you wants to tell to they. (Advertise your offer). It's your chance to get more buyers to have a lot of GEMS & VIP DAYS!
To get Megaphones it's a bit hard but you can! You can buy Megaphone in Shop with some NPCs or can get it for free in the Daily Login Reward!
So.. To you start and apply what you learned with me, I will give some Megaphones to you right now (If you wants).

  • When Completed:
Good Luck Hero!

Requirements to Complete



↦ Items:
