• Legion Fealty 1

Requirements to Accept


Every member of the Legion is undead to some degree, either through losing their physical life or forfeiting their souls. As Dage's most loyal servants, Legion Revenants bask in death and dutifully spread unlife in the name of the Legion. Kill and re-kill Ultra Aeacus 50 times to further his strength in death, tether 300 forgotten souls to the Undead Legion.

  • When Completed:
You have done well, but this alone will not suffice. Prove your dedication and continue strengthening the Legion through death with your actions. Countless members of the legion desire unfathomable power, but few will earn it-- such a high cost is required for such great strength. Are you among the worthy?

Requirements to Complete


15000 Golds
1500 EXP OR 375 EXP from Level 200
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