• Everything has its essence


>> Note: This quest can be found in the item "Nulgath's Prize Quest" or "Pearl of Light Lantern Pet" or "Oblivion Blade Of Nulgath Quest Pet". It is not necessary to own the item to accept the quest. <<
Go to nulgath castle, grab Makai's ears and the Hooded Demon's clothes. And Deliver me on this mission that I am giving you. You will receive rewards in Essences of Nulgath and have a 1% chance of obtaining the Gem of Nulgath.

  • When Completed:
Its essence!

Requirements to Complete


750 Golds
600 EXP OR 150 EXP from Level 200
900 REP points in Crag & Bamboozle
↦ Items:
↦ You will receive one of the following items: